Wednesday, November 23, 2011

More rain

We had someone come out today and look at the window and basement and someone is coming out on Friday too. For $$$ we can have the problem fixed in no time without having to take out the window! :) One guy can even start as early as Monday and be finished in the same day. I know we will get something done because getting up every few hours in the middle of the night to turn on a very loud shop vac outside and suck water out of a window is not going to sit well with the neighbors for long. I'm sure they like their sleep as much as I like mine. That, and the not having to worry about my basement flooding and ruining all my priceless possessions is also on my mind. Onward and upward!

Oh, and Thanksgiving isn't ruined! Hooray! The rain has slowed down and the window is not flooded anymore. Still damp, and still something to get fixed, but not a holiday killer!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


It has been raining really hard nonstop since last night. We have found some problems with our basement and a few spots where water is leaking in from outside. Nothing is flooded yet, but what a headache! We've gotten a lot of use out of our shop vac and I was hoping to never use that thing. I'm not sure if this was a problem for the last owner because he didn't disclose any problems, but the ground is so saturated that water is just coming up from the lower sections of the walls and from one window in particular. I guess this is what I get for buying an older home. We are having to go out there hourly to clear out gallons of water from the area outside of the window and it is only getting worse. Andy is already saying he can stay home on Thanksgiving to vacuum and my stomach is cramping up thinking about that. Hopefully things will get better in the next day or so.